| 1. | We are only at the start in our house-hunting . 我们找房子的事才刚刚开始。 |
| 2. | It is a difficult work at the start . 那是一件开头困难的工作。 |
| 3. | The runners lined up at the start . 赛跑选手们在起跑点排好队。 |
| 4. | At the start the work seemed complex, difficult, heartbreakingly slow . 开始时这件工作似乎十分复杂困难,而且慢得令人伤心。 |
| 5. | Gas phase data include composition, flow rate, and pressure at the starting point . 气相数据包括在开始点上的成分、流量及压力。 |
| 6. | At the start we have all the discs arranged on one peg in size order smallest on top . 开始所有的圆盘接由大到小排列在一根柱上,最小的在顶部。 |
| 7. | At the start of world war i, he was serving aboard the light cruiser dresden . 第一次世界大战爆发的时候,他正在“德累斯顿”号轻巡洋舰上服役。 |
| 8. | Each tape has a header block at the start of the reel, to allow the computer to pick out the correct reel . 每根磁带在磁带卷的开头都有标题区,以便于计算机能挑选出所需要的那一卷。 |
| 9. | In contrast to the aerodynamic winged vehicle, a true ballistic missile is controlled for only a few minutes at the start of its flight . 与空气动力有翼导弹大不相同,一枚真正的弹道导弹只在起飞的几分钟内受人们控制。 |
| 10. | Minimal documentation available at the starting point 在起始点最少的可用文档。 |